Four Most Important Vitamins for Hair Growth

The discovery of the first vitamins in the beginning of the 20th century has started the modern interest in healthful nutrition and its influence on different systems and organs of the human body. As we now know, vitamins which we get from a diet, sunlight, or supplements, are essential for life. They support all metabolic processes that take place inside of our bodies, and they also nourish and sustain health of our skin, nails and hair.

Since modern food choices, which heavily rely on processed, devitalized products, do not always provide adequate nutrition, many people supplement their diet with synthetic vitamin pills. However, some experts suggest that laboratory-produced vitamins are inferior to those derived from a diet. To maintain healthy hair and support our general health, we need a whole range of essential nutrients, which can easily be obtained from natural foods given that we make wise nutritional choices and avoid heavily processed products that contain artificial chemicals and other undesirable additives.

To keep hair strong, thick and healthy, we need to ingest plenty of valuable nutrients, including vitamins, macro-minerals, trace-elements, complete proteins, and essential fatty acids. The problem is that, when a supply of vital nutrients is limited, the body will nourish the brain and internal organs first, as opposed to skin, nails, or hair. Our inherited survival mechanism will make sure to pull away minerals and other essential substances from less important body parts, such as hair, in order to ensure survival of the high-priority organs and systems. This is why it is crucially important for the health of hair to eat a diet that would include plenty of vitamins and minerals. We should also have knowledge about particular nutrients which are necessary to support the strength of hair, as well as the food groups in which these vitamins can be found.

The following is a list of four most important vitamins that will combat baldness and facilitate the growth of hair:

•    Pre-formed Vitamin A – a valuable antioxidant that is especially important for the production of scalp sebum and nourishment of hair follicles. Many people mistakenly believe that they can get enough vitamin A from plant sources, such as carrots, broccoli or peaches. Unfortunately, vegetables and fruits only contain a precursor of vitamin A, known as beta-carotene. Fully-formed vitamin A is ONLY found in animal foods, particularly those that have been “demonized” by American nutritionists for their high cholesterol and fat content. The best source of pre-formed vitamin A is animal or fish liver. Modest amounts of this complete vitamin can also be derived from full-fat dairy products, particularly natural butter and heavy cream, as well as egg yolks. Synthetic vitamin A found in supplements is associated with adverse health effects. In order to ingest adequate amount of vitamin A from your foods instead of unsafe supplements, make sure to eat eggs and cream and serve liver at least once a week, just like our ancestors did.

•    A family of B-vitamins - includes Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Thiamine, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Pyridoxine, and other highly important substances that support the growth of hair, promote scalp circulation, and combat hair loss, premature greying of hair and various scalp diseases. Each of B-vitamins is responsible for sustaining different metabolic processes; this is why it is essential to balance their intake and make sure that you ingest all of B-vitamins in adequate amounts. Eating too much of enriched grains or popping down isolated forms of B-vitamins from pills can create an imbalance and harm your health. In fact, the best sources of many B-vitamins, especially B12, are organ and muscle meats, as well as fish. Goose and beef liver are the richest sources – one more reason not to miss your weekly treat of liver pate! Various B-vitamins are also found in brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, molasses, milk, wholemeal breads, egg yolks, and some vegetables.

•    Vitamin C – a potent antioxidant that is essential for the health of hair. Fruits and vegetables are the main sources, together with certain organ meats of ruminant animals. Tomatoes, oranges, lemons, berries and bell peppers are particularly rich in vitamin C, so make sure you eat at least two pieces of such fruits and veggies a day.

•    Fat-soluble Vitamin E –  is essential to sustain proper scalp circulation and delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles. Good sources are nuts and seeds, avocadoes, leafy green vegetables, and beans.

Christian Roberts

Posted on July 4, 2008 
Filed Under Hair Care, Hair Loss Treatments


2 Responses to “Four Most Important Vitamins for Hair Growth”

  1. Andrei on July 4th, 2008 4:37 pm

    I can post some of your thoughts on my website (
    Please let me know if it’s possible.

  2. Sarah Miller on July 22nd, 2008 12:00 pm

    The best way to get vitamins is through natural food sources. But considering our busy lifestyles, few of us are eating as we should and do not get an adequate supply of the daily nutritional requirement of these nutrients in our body. As you mentioned, good hair needs good nutrition. Daily vitamin supplements can fill this nutritional gap in our diet. A good quality vitamin, whether it is synthetic or natural-based, is absorbed by the body. Multivescence is a powder that you mix with water—and it forms a delicious bubbly drink. It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidant power! Since it is a liquid it is absorbed faster by the body.

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