Diet Tips for Healthy Hair

Healthy diet is very important for hair growth and development. If the body does not get enough nutrients or is poisoned with the excess of such unhealthy products as alcohol, salt, and tobacco, it will cut the supplies in the least important places like hair and nails.
Read full “Diet Tips for Healthy Hair”

Hair Loss in the U.S.

From the beginning of times people were suffering hair loss. It can be called in many different ways: androgenic alopecia, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, etc. All depends on the primary reason that caused hair loss. Some people panic when they start experiencing this problem, but they should understand that they are not alone.
Read full “Hair Loss in the U.S.”

Normal Hair Loss

People lose certain amounts of hair daily. It is normal to see some strands on a brush after combing or in shower after washing. Some people lose more hair than others and it still might be all right. It depends on age, hair length and thickness, hormonal changes, overall health, climate, season, and some other factors.
Read full “Normal Hair Loss”

Hair Loss and Tooth Infection

All the organs in the body are closely connected. Foot massage takes care of the health of inner organs such as heart, liver, and lungs. Skin color and condition can usually say about liver or kidney problems… Some people strongly believe that there is a connection between teeth and hair: they say that a tooth infection might be a reason for a temporary hair loss such as alopecia areata.
Read full “Hair Loss and Tooth Infection”

American Diet Causes Hair Loss

American diet does not only ruin health and make people fat, the meals high in fat, animal protein, and salt lead to hair loss. Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods explains that American diet brings damage to kidneys and changes acidity of blood. Both of these factors lead to alopecia or hair loss.
Read full “American Diet Causes Hair Loss”

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