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2010 March : Stop Hair Loss Now

Do Not Be Tricked by False Advertisements!

How many hair loss treatments are there on the market? How many of them are the real cures? Which ones are scams? A big number of people lose hair for different reasons and they are willing to pay any price to get the hair back. Unfortunately, there are a lot of companies that want this money, so they create “remedies” which are supposed to prevent baldness, but in fact, do not have any positive result on hair.
Read full “Do Not Be Tricked by False Advertisements!”

Normal Hair Loss

People lose certain amounts of hair daily. It is normal to see some strands on a brush after combing or in shower after washing. Some people lose more hair than others and it still might be all right. It depends on age, hair length and thickness, hormonal changes, overall health, climate, season, and some other factors.
Read full “Normal Hair Loss”