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2009 January : Stop Hair Loss Now

Anybody Can Have Thicker Hair

As a rule, people are not satisfied with the way they are created: skinny women want to gain a little weight, obese people try to find ways to lose some, blonds dream about having black or red hair while brunettes dye theirs in blond. The same is true when it comes to volume: a person with thick hair knows how hard it is to deal with it and how heavy their hair is, while someone else with thin hair dreams about extra volume. Let’s look at this last problem and figure out if it is possible to increase the volume of an average person’s hair.
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Hair Loss Caused by Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stressful time for a woman’s body and it is always important to be prepared for what might happen. A little baby growing within takes everything it needs from the mother: vitamins, minerals and liquids. This is why almost every woman’s body is affected by pregnancy in some way; either teeth get harmed, nails become thinner, or her skin loses its glossiness and irregular pigmentation appears. One of the most common cases is partial hair loss whether it happens during carrying the baby in the womb, or even a few weeks after it is born.
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