Healthy Hair Formula

In order to have healthy strong hair a person should consume certain nutritious products daily. It has been proved that hair depends on the balance of 4 vitamins and 4 minerals in one’s body. What are they?

Four vitamins that care about hair are:

1. Vitamin A. It plays a big role in sebum production, the lack of which causes dry hair, dandruff and thick scalp. Biggest concentration of Vitamin A is found in liver, broccoli, leafy vegetables, and squash. A tip on finding produce full of Vitamin A is orange color which is a sign of Beta-carotine (Vitamin A) presence. So, it is good to go for carrots, pumpkins, oranges, cantaloupe, and sweet potatoes too.

The overdose of Vitamin A can bring to hair loss as well as the lack of it, because the increased production of sebum blocks hair follicles not allowing the new strands to grow. Fortunately, one can eat as many of above mentioned fruits and vegetables as he or she wants because it is impossible to overdose on Vitamin A from them.

2. Vitamin B. Although there are many various vitamins in B-group, all of them are responsible for hemoglobin. High percent of oxygen in blood provides healthy hair growth.

However the most important B-vitamins for hair are B6 and Folic Acid (B9). Vitamin B6 is found in the products rich in protein such as different kinds of meat, poultry, beans, potatoes. Folic Acid can also be found in various beans and peas, as well as leafy green vegetables, sunflower seeds, papaya and liver.

3. Vitamin E. It helps blood circulation and oxygen absorption as B-vitamins. A person in modern society should not have Vitamin E deficiency because its main sources are oils that people use in their everyday life: corn oil, safflower oil and soybean oil.

The only time when lack of Vitamin E occurs is if a person’s body is unable to absorb natural oils and fats. In this case Vitamin E supplement should be taken.

4. Vitamin C. Its other name is Ascorbic Acid. Almost all organisms make it internally, but human beings are an exception. The intake of Vitamin C is important for several reasons. It is responsible for collagen development which strengthens hair. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, glucosamin and other nutrients essential for hair growth. It improves scalp blood circulation and maintains capillaries which bring blood to the follicles.

Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, red sweet peppers, rose hips, currant, broccoli, parsley, strawberry and many of the plants.

Four minerals required for hair health:

1. Trace Mineral Silica. It strengthens hair, makes it shiny and strong. The deficiency of the mineral usually shows up in the split ends.

Trace Silica is usually absent from American diets. The problem is the way ordinary food is processed. However, the mineral can be found in oats, whole wheat, millet, barley, and algae.

Trace Silica affects other minerals’ absorption. Boron, copper, manganese, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc and strontium depend on it and suffer if there is Trace Silica deficiency.

2. Iodine. It strengthens hair and improves its look.

Not every kind of iodine is good, so instead of eating salt enriched with iodine that does not improve hair, but might cause iodine overdose, a person should concentrate on natural sources, such as yoghurt, cow milk, kelp, boiled eggs, Mozzarella cheese and strawberries.

3. Zinc. It is responsible for tissue growth and hair growth in particular. It activates secretes of scalp that oil hair and eliminate dandruff.

However it is easy to overdose the mineral, so instead of taking artificial supplements, a person should eat organic beef, lima beans, wild turkey, nuts and eggs.

4. Iron. As well as the previous minerals, iron is very important for hair strength. One should eat iron rich food together with Vitamin C which increases iron absorption.

Products rich in iron are red meat, liver, dried fruit, dark leafy vegetables, beans, grains, apples, and fish.

Canadian Online Pharmacy

Natalie Brown

Posted on March 1, 2009 
Filed Under Hair Care, Hair Loss


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