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2008 March : Stop Hair Loss Now

Sage - a Versatile Medicinal Herb Used in Traditional Hair Treatments


Sage, also known under its botanical names Salvia officinalis or Salvia salvatrix, is a universal flavouring and medicinal herb, a native of the Northern Mediterranean coast and the American continent. For many centuries, it has been used as a powerful folk medicine to treat a number of health and cosmetic conditions, including hair loss and greying hair. A stimulant and an anti-bacterial plant, it has been traditionally applied to treat indigestion, ulcers, dandruff, bleeding gums, sore throat, fever, and a number of nervous diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine values sage as an herb able to combat liver, kidney, lung, blood, and stomach diseases. Sage infusions are known to cure joint pains, wounds, nervous headaches, excessive perspiration, lethargy, and even measles!

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Daeng Chan As an Ancient Hair Remedy

Butterfly Pea

Daeng Chan, presently known in the West as the Butterfly Pea, Blue Pea, or Pigeon Wings, is a beautiful climbing plant of the Papilionaceae family. Popular among gardeners due to its lovely blue blossoms, Daeng Chan is praised as an ancient Oriental hair remedy. Native to Asia and, perhaps, South America, Butterfly Pea first gained its reputation as a powerful hair strengthener in the traditional Thai medicine.

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How Rosemary Can Help Your Hair Grow


Rosemary is a lovely aromatic herb that has been extensively used in traditional societies as a folk remedy against hair loss. It has needle-like, dark green leaves and delicate blue flowers. The name “rosemary” is believed to be derived from the Latin language, meaning “dew of the sea”. Since the herb is native to the Mediterranean region, it indeed thrives in the salty, calcium-rich soils of dry costal areas.

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Natural Ways to Support Hair Growth

natural hair

Hair loss is a problem that bothers many people worldwide, regardless of age, gender, social status, or material wealth. The loss of hair can range from mild, yet annoying, shedding, to troublesome cases of severe alopecia totala, when all scalp and body hair permanently falls out. Rapid and premature hair loss can indicate a number of health problems and can sometimes lead to a complete baldness.

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ProFollica - a Natural, Yet Questionable, Hair Loss Solution

female hair

ProFollica is an unusual hair loss treatment from among those available on the market. The originality of the ProFollica formula is in its all-natural ingredients which do not feature Minoxidil or other harsh drugs that are routinely included in most hair loss treatments. ProFollica represents a three-step combinational therapy that consists of a topical shampoo, a topical lotion, and an oral supplement, which are claimed to successfully work together to stop hair loss and promote regrowth of new hair within a period of about six months. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Let us examine ProFollica ingredients to see how effective this hair loss solution can be.

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