Natural Ways to Support Hair Growth

natural hair

Hair loss is a problem that bothers many people worldwide, regardless of age, gender, social status, or material wealth. The loss of hair can range from mild, yet annoying, shedding, to troublesome cases of severe alopecia totala, when all scalp and body hair permanently falls out. Rapid and premature hair loss can indicate a number of health problems and can sometimes lead to a complete baldness.

Why do we lose hair? Causes are numerous: vitamin and mineral deficiencies, illnesses, emotional problems, stresses, hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, environmental reasons, and so forth. In many cases, especially if the loss of hair is triggered by a poor diet or toxins in synthetic hair care products, baldness can be either preventable or perfectly curable.

Some of the most common environmental causes for hair loss include air pollution and exposure to extreme temperatures. Severe stress and tension, demanding family and career responsibilities, financial difficulties, and problems with interpersonal relationships can also be responsible for premature balding, particularly in “type A” personalities. Many pharmaceutical drugs can cause hair loss, as well.

What are the best ways to prevent and treat the fall of hair? Although the market is full of laboratory-produced hair loss medications, natural shampoos, lotions, and supplements are always your best choice. In addition, a number of traditional therapies can help resolve the loss of hair without applying to toxic types of treatment.

In case of stress or high career demands, try to use simple techniques of yoga and medication, or engage in relaxing walks and Tai Chi. If your diet is poor, start eating natural, traditional foods, which are health-promoting and dense in nutrients. Eat fresh fish, natural butter, liver and red meats from free-range animals, to supplement your hair with all necessary vitamins and amino-acids. Use home-made bone broth, which is full of zinc, magnesium, and other hair-friendly minerals. A good diet, rich in supportive body-building nutrients, can promote a rapid growth of hair and, thus, cure many cases of premature baldness.

Topical herbal extracts and beneficial oils should complement your healthy diet, exercise regime, and regular meditations or prayers. Extra-virgin coconut oil and aloe vera or rosemary extracts should be massaged into the hair roots every night before going bed. After a few months, you will most probably notice your hair fall stop.

However, if your hair loss is caused by irreversible genetic reasons, there is little you can do to resolve it, even with the best natural therapies.

Herbert Goldberg

Posted on March 22, 2008 
Filed Under Hair Care, Hair Loss, Hair Loss Reasons, Hair Loss Treatments


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