Hair Loss Treatment: Provillus

When the time comes to choose a hair loss product a person should be really careful because of several reasons. First of all the treatments are usually expensive and trying all or even several of them might be a great luxury. Secondly, hair loss is often an irreversible process, so if a person starts with a wrong product, the important time will fly away and more hair will be lost without a possibility to be restored than it should have been.

One of the popular treatments is Provillus. It is designed for both male and female pattern baldness and is claimed to be harmless because it contains a mix of vitamins, nutrients and natural ingredients which help hair grow and prevent it from falling out. The ingredients of the treatments for men and women are different because the Provillus creators believe that the sources of hair loss are different and they have to be eliminated in different ways.

One of the main ingredients of Provillus for both kinds of treatments is Minoxidil, a medication approved by FDA as an effective treatment for hair loss. It has been developed as a blood pressure treatment, but vigorous hair growth came up as a side-effect during testing trials. The scientists took this into serious consideration and reworked Minoxidil into an effective hair loss treatment. For over a decade different manufacturers use Minoxidil in their treatments.

Saw Palmetto is another ingredient which affects hair growth. It is an herb, which has been used by American Indians for many purposes. One of its main qualities was the positive effect on the prostate, this is why it is included in the Provillus treatment for men, but not for women. It has been noticed that it slows down hair loss and restores previous growth as well. The reason is its positive effect on testosterone. With the time this hormone turns into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which damages hair follicles and makes them stop growing new healthy hair strands. Saw Palmetto stops the process of hormone conversion, therefore keeps the follicles healthy.

Provillus ingredients for women include Vitamin B6. It is good for overall body health and brings a lot of benefits to scalp and hair follicles. B6 improves blood flow and increases red cell production. Biotin also known as Vitamin H or B7 is a part of Provillus as well. Only few people know that biotin assists the growth of hair, nails, skin, blood cells and bone marrow.

Magnesium was also included in the list of Provillus ingredients, because it is obvious that deficiency of this mineral leads to hair loss. Several studies on animals have shown that with diets low in magnesium the animals were losing a lot of hair. At the same time, a good supply of the minerals provides healthy hair growth.

As a result of all these good ingredients Provillus turned out to be a very effective hair loss treatment. After six months many participants notice improvements in hair growth and decrease in hair shedding. Sometimes the results are obvious after only 2-3 weeks of the treatment usage.

There is one drawback to Provillus. It is an expensive product which costs about $200 for 6 month supply. However, it is very effective and if a person has no success with the treatment, the company offers a money back guarantee with no questions asked.

Megan Garmon

Posted on December 3, 2009 
Filed Under Hair Loss, Hair Loss Treatments


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