Future Baldness Can Be Predicted

By the time baldness becomes visible, you may have already lost a considerable amount of hair density, says a leading American hair loss specialist, Dr. Alan Bauman. Since prevention is always better than treatment, early detection of baldness is the key to keeping your hair thick and healthy for many years to come. Understanding physiological and genetic mechanisms and causes of alopecia can help you determine the early signs of possible baldness and take preventive steps to stop the progression of hair loss.

Although future hair loss cannot be predicted one hundred percent, new genetic research and advanced medical tests now allow to reveal your chances for contracting alopecia later in life. Baldness in the coming years can be determined by a number of ways, including the analysis of personal health status and family history, or the application of recently invented folliscope technology or genetic testing.

Personal health factors, such as illnesses, smoking, nutrition, hormonal status, and even medications you take, can play a big role in assessing your risks of contracting baldness.

Certain diseases, including metabolic syndrome and diabetes; polycystic ovarian syndrome; low thyroid function; depression and other mental illnesses; and celiac disease, are now named among those triggering the destruction of healthy hair follicles and facilitating hair loss.

Recently, researchers have also linked a long-term habit of smoking to developing progressive hair shedding with subsequent baldness in both men and women.

Another common cause of hair loss, which can be spotted long before baldness actually appears, is deficiencies or overproduction of certain hormones. Defects in the utilization of the male hormone testosterone are now proven to trigger so-called male-pattern alopecia – graduate progressive baldness that often strikes middle-aged men. Deficiencies in the production of the female hormone estrogen, which are commonly observed in women during the postpartum (after-pregnancy) period, as well as throughout their peri-menopausal and menopausal years, can facilitate a massive shedding of hair, too. Unfortunately, hair loss caused by hormonal fluctuations can be permanent, unless urgent treatment is applied to prevent the appearance of bald scalp patches.

If you are taking certain medications, especially hormonal drugs, such as birth control pills or prednisone; anti-arthritic medications; or even smilingly innocent blood pressure or cholesterol-lowering pills, you should know that these pharmaceuticals can interfere with natural physiological mechanisms that support the growth of hair. Women often complain of hair loss after they have stopped taking contraceptives, because this triggers a drastic change in hormonal status and makes the level of estrogen drop, which causes a substantial destruction of scalp hair follicles.

Crash dieting, malnutrition, low-fat and vegetarian diets, or simply eating foods low in essential proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins, are associated with many cases of unexplained hair loss. A low intake of animal proteins, zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, essential fatty acids, or B-group vitamins, is attributed to an inadequate supply of nutrients to the hair roots, damage of hair follicles and shafts, and a considerable loss of hair density.

Therefore, if you now smoke, suffer from metabolic illnesses or hormonal imbalances, take “risky” drugs, or eat a poor diet, there are big chances that your hair may fall off or become severely damaged later in life.

Apart from your personal health status, your family history can serve as a magical “crystal ball” to predict possible baldness in the coming years. Recently, researchers have determined that we inherit most of the “hair loss genes” from the maternal side of the family. Therefore, looking at the locks of your mother or grandmother could be a good way to forecast if you are susceptible to baldness, or whether your hair will remain thick and robust even in the old age. In addition, if you have other close relatives who have developed baldness in their mid-age, you may be at a greater risk to soon go bald, too.

A susceptibility to alopecia can also be predicted by a new folliscope technology that examines the microscopic structure of hair follicles and measures the hair density in different areas of the scalp. Such testing can foretell possible hair loss many years before it actually occurs.

Another popular test for determining future baldness is genetic HairDX – the analysis assessing if you run an inherited risk for developing alopecia. The test is not invasive – it only requires a mouth swab – but it can indicate a genetic susceptibility for hair loss with a high degree of accuracy, which allows patients to take preventive steps in order to slow the progression of future baldness.

The best way for people to determine their risks for hair loss and select an effective treatment, if needed, is to see a qualified physician who specializes is baldness. Once your hair loss risks have been assessed, there is a wide selection of treatments to try, ranging from FDA-approved drugs, such as Minoxidil, to laser therapy and hair transplantation.

For more information about what causes hair loss, how to prevent baldness, and what natural or pharmaceutical options are currently available to treat hair problems, refer to relevant articles regularly published on our website.

Richard Dunn

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Posted on May 27, 2008 
Filed Under Hair Loss, Hair Loss Reasons


One Response to “Future Baldness Can Be Predicted”

  1. piyu on May 27th, 2008 4:06 pm

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