Summer Hair Care Tips

Beautiful hair means a lot to many people. Some of them get really excited about luxurious locks more than an attractive face or well-shaped body. Hair is a precious crown that represents the outer beauty of a person. Bible refers to it as cover that should be taken care of and done properly. It is as important to look after the hair as after any other part of the body: face, teeth, hands, etc.

Summer humidity, wind and sun bring more damage to hair than any other seasonal events, so it requires even closer attention during this time. There are several tips which can help dealing with hair in summer:

•    Protect hair from sun with a hat, scarf or any other cover, but make sure it does not sit too tight which would restrict blood circulation in the scalp.
•    There are hair conditioners designed specifically for sunny weather with a bit of sunscreen in them. If the person does not want a hat, one of these leave on conditioners should be applied to hair in the beginning of a sunny day.
•    Finally, if there is no access to both air conditioner and head cover like a hat, but the person is planning to spend a lot of time outside in the sun, it is advised to put regular sunscreen on hair, which will protect it from damaging effect of the heat. However, the sunscreen should be washed off with a shampoo after each usage.
•    The whole body needs a lot of liquid in summer, so make sure you drink enough of water or beverages to supply all organs, even hair.
•    Apply oil on hair which will keep moisture sealed in the scalp and hair strands longer. Try different kinds: olive, jojoba, and rosemary oils.
•    Hair products with alcohol and formaldehyde dry out hair, so they have to be avoided. Natural cosmetics are healthier and less damaging to hair.
•    Excessive shampooing dries out hair too. It washes out natural oils from it, so reduce the daily washing to twice-a-week procedure or even rarer.
•    Switch the regular shampoo to a moisturizing one. It is usually gentler to hair and provides the essential moisture to it.
•    Summer is the time of heat which is why it is necessary to stop using any “hot” items. Do not make hair suffer twice from summer heat by using blow driers or curling irons.
•    If there is a need in curls, try braiding wet hair. After drying out the hair will hold curls for a while.
•    Cool water has always been recommended for washing hair. It is especially important in summer. Leave hot showers for winter.
•    If the person plans to swim in a pool, he or she should wet hair in shower before coming. This way the hair will soak up better, cleaner water instead of chlorinated water.
•    Wearing a special cap while swimming is another good idea. This will protect the hair from negative effect of the chlorine.
•    Wash hair thoroughly after every pool visit. Use a good moisturizing shampoo and a conditioner after it.
•    Daily use of hair conditioning is a great idea for any summer weather.
•    Jojoba oil on the ends of the strands softens them. It also seals the moisture in hair for the whole day if applied in the morning.
•    If you like changing hair length, summer is the best time for a hair cut. The scalp and neck will feel better without long locks.
•    However, long hair is not bad either. Summer time is the best for trying different hair styles: buns, ponytails, and braids protect hair from total exposure to sun.

Katherine Jackson

Posted on August 27, 2009 
Filed Under Hair Care


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